Specific aspects of the slave trade between France and Cuba
Born in Havana in 1939.
Vice-president of the Cuban Academy of Sciences
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The port of Matanzas and the slave trade (1793-1839)
Martha Silvia Escalona Sanchez
Born in Matanzas in 1961, graduated in philosophy from the University of Havana. Specialized in local historical research such as Chinese emigration in the 19th century, the jurisdictions of Matanzas, the black population of Matanzas.
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African ethnic components and their multiple names.
Born in Havana in 1950. Doctor in Historical Sciences, Full Researcher of the Ortiz Foundation, Full Professor of the Faculty of Arts and Letters and Philosophy and History of the University of Havana and 'ISA, member of the Cuban Academy of Sciences.
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The slave trade and the Spanish of Cuba
Born in Havana in 1943, this anthropologist completed graduate studies in philological sciences at Carolina University in Prague in the Czech Republic. Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment and full professor at the Faculty of Arts and Letters at the University of Havana.
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The Plantation Slave
Doctor of Historical Sciences from the University of Havana.
Researcher at the Cuban History Institute.
Has collaborated on the volumes devoted to colonial evolution in The History of Cuba (La Havanna 1994 and 1996)
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Slave families on Cuban plantations
Maria del Carmen Barcia ZEQUEIRA
Born in Havana in 1939
Doctor of History, Professor in the Department of Cuban History at the University of Havana
Specialist in social history in the 19th century on themes related to slavery.
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Female slave and colonial economy in Cuba in the 19th century
Doctor of Historical Sciences and Full Professor of History at the University of Havana.
Has taught numerous courses and lectures at universities in the United States, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean.
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Cuba in Africa: those who returned
Researcher at the Cuban Academy of Sciences and at the Center for Studies on José Marti. Associate researcher at the Center for Multidisciplinary Advanced Studies at the University of Brasilia. and artists from Cuba.
Former diplomat in Europe, Brazil and Africa.
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The History of Slavery in the French colonies, by José Antonio Saco.
History graduate from the University of Havana. Associate researcher at the Institute of History of Cuba. Member of the National Union of Historians of Cuba and the Association of Latin American and Caribbean Historians and the Association of Caribbean Historians.
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Afro-Cuban myths through art
Ivonne MUÑIZ
Art critic, graduate in art history at the University of Havana. Researcher at the Center for Caribbean Studies at La Casa de las Americas._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Has published various communications on Caribbean art, female discourse, the impact of the processes of mythification and demystification on the subjectivity of the Caribbean region.
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Marks and traces of Africa in Cuban musical thought
Maria Elena Vinueza
Born in Quito (Ecuador) in 1959. Researcher at the Cuban Music Research and Development Center.
Director of the Music Department at the Casa de las Americas. Member of the Union of Artists and Writers of Cuba.
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Historical evolution and current situation of the dances of the “Regla de Ocha”
Barbara Balbuena Gutierrez
Graduated as a modern and folkloric dance teacher-ballerina in 1978.
Professor at the Higher Institute of Art, specializing in folk dances.
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The specter of the Haitian revolution and the independence of Cuba (1820-1829)
Doctor of Historical Sciences from the University of Cuba. Specialist in legal history and world economic history. Titular professor at the University of Cienfuegos in 1999 and full professor at the University of Havana since 2003
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Provincial archives as a place of memory: the role of former slaves in the Cuban War of Independence (1895-98)
Rebecca J. SCOTT
Historian, graduate of the universities of Harvard, London School of Economics, and Princeton, she has been teaching since 1984 at the University of Michigan. She is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the Guggenheim Foundation.
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Crossing the Mirror
Valerie GANEM
Psychology teacher in Guadeloupe, works on the subjective relationship of humans to work.
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